Graeme D. Martin

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Results: Found 4 records (displaying records 1 through 4)

1. Schmit, Timothy J.; Li, Jun; Lee, Su Jeong; Li, Zhenglong; Dworak, Richard; Lee, Yong-Keun; Bowlan, Michael; Gerth, Jordan; Martin, Graeme D.; Straka, William; Baggett, Kevin C. and Cronce, Lee. Legacy atmospheric profiles and derived products from GOES-16: validation and applications. Earth and Space Science, Volume 6, Issue 9, 2019, pp.1730-1748. Reprint # 8458.
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2. Schmit, Timothy J.; Li, Jun; Lee, Su Jeong; Li, Zhenglong; Dworak, Richard; Lee, Yong-Keun; Bowlan, Michael; Gerth, Jordan; Martin, Graeme D.; Straka, William; Baggett, Kevin C. and Cronce, Lee. Legacy atmospheric profiles and derived products from GOES-16: validation and applications. Earth and Space Science, Volume 6, Issue 9, 2019, pp.1730-1748. Reprint # 8458.
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3. Tobin, David; Revercomb, Henry; Knuteson, Robert; Taylor, Joe; Best, Fred; Borg, Lori; DeSlover, Dan; Martin, Graeme; Buijs, Henry; Esplin, Mark; Glumb, Ronald; Han, Yong; Mooney, Daniel; Predina, Joe; Strow, Larrabee; Suwinski,Lawrence and Wang, Likun. Suomi-NPP CrIS radiometric calibration uncertainty. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 118, Issue 18, 2013, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50809. Reprint # 7079.
4. Tobin, David; Revercomb, Henry; Knuteson, Robert; Taylor, Joe; Best, Fred; Borg, Lori; DeSlover, Dan; Martin, Graeme; Buijs, Henry; Esplin, Mark; Glumb, Ronald; Han, Yong; Mooney, Daniel; Predina, Joe; Strow, Larrabee; Suwinski,Lawrence and Wang, Likun. Suomi-NPP CrIS radiometric calibration uncertainty. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 118, Issue 18, 2013, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50809. Reprint # 7079.